The Water Development Department is making a considerable effort in order for its online content to be accessible, rregardless of the type of hardware, software, network infrastructure, cultural level and ability of its users.
Within the international scope, the initiative that regulates the norms of accessibility online is the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). In Spain, according to Royal Decree 1494/2007, of 12 November, the websites of the public administrations must adapt to the minimum levels of accessibility that comply with priorities 1 and 2 of UNE standard 139803:2012.
Due to the complexity of the INE portal, regarding the great volume of information published, the extension of its documents, the frequency of updating and the age of some of its documents, the adaptation of the pages is being carried out progressively, with the intention of eventually making available a portal with the highest number possible of accessible documents. Currently, almost all of the content of the website complies with priority 1 and 2 (A and AA), and many reaches priority 3 (AAA).
In order to help in checking the recommendations, the most frequently used tools available online are applied. The Web developers have interpreted as objectively as possible whether the HTML code generated by the content patterns adapts to the stated recommendations for those points that can only be checked manually.
Exceptions: Documents in PDF format
At this time, on the INE website, there is a large number of files in PDF format, with very different production origins: print publications, reproductions of the BOE, publications published by Eurostat, etc. For the moment, accessibility for this type of document cannot feasibly be addressed. However, other documents that are in PDF format and that come from word files, will be adapted to the norm posthaste.
Some of the most important actions that are being carried out in order to improve accessibility and usability:
Use of style sheets: presentation of pages controlled by validated style sheets (CSS).
Page identification: each page is clearly identified via the use of metadata.
Language used: we have revised the texts, titles and links so that the language used is as clear and concise as possible.
Text size: in all of the pages, we are implementing the use of fonts with relative size, in such a way that, if the user prefers a larger font, s/he may select it through the text size options of her/his explorer. Anyway the size of the font can always be changed using the header option Text size options.
Page structure: to facilitate browsing all of the pages on the INE website, the portal is designed with a header and footer common to all content. In addition, from the INE logo, it is always possible to access the homepage.
Keyboard shortcuts: most browsers allow for going directly to specific places, without the need for a mouse, by pressing certain key combinations (access keys) defined on the website. The use of keyboard shortcuts depends on the browser; the most frequently used combinations are the following:
With the Windows operating system:
- Internet Explorer: press Alt + access key, release both and press enter
- Mozilla Firefox, Chrome and Netscape: press Shift + Alt + access key
- Opera: press SHIFT + Esc + access key
With Macintosh OS: press Ctrl + access key.
In this site we have the following access keys available:
- Reduce text size
r Reset text size
+ Increase text size