1. Who is entitled to Home Care from Social Welfare Services, which services are being covered and what is the procedure to be followed?
All persons who are entitled to apply for social care services under the Guaranteed Minimum Income Scheme and under the Social Insurance Law and/or members of their family.
Under the scheme the services provided are:
(a) Social Care Services which, depending on the person's needs correspond to:
· Home care
· Institutional care
· Day care
· Respite care
· Child care
(b) Baby disposable diapers and adult diapers;
(c) Transport allowance only for specific cases of day care recipients.
In order to assess a request for a social welfare allowance for home care and/or diapers, the Social Welfare Services requires from the person concerned to submit his or her request in writing to the Welfare Benefit Administration Service for Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) allowance and to point out the specific care required, in Part 2 point 9 of the application.
Where the applicant is already a recipient of the GMI allowance, he/she must apply in writing by submitting Form EEE 10 (Supplementary Form for Care for GMI Recipients). In addition, in the event that the person concerned requires the use of diapers for children or adults, he or she must apply in writing by completing Form EEE 11 (EEE 11 - Special Form for subsidizing diapers for children / adults).
EEE 10 and EEE 11 Forms are available electronically on the webpage of the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance and in a printed form at the Welfare Benefit Administration Service. They are also available at all Social Welfare Services Offices.
2. I am an elderly person and although I am able to move around, I need some care and activity, but I don’t want to go to a Nursing Home. What kind of services can the Social Welfare Services provide in such cases?
For these particular cases, there is a day care programme (Adult Care Centres), which provide to elderly and / or persons with disabilities facilities in Adult Care Centres during the day and they are able to return to their own home in the afternoon. Adult Care Centres provide meals, laundry facilities, activities, recreation, etc. These services can also be provided on a daily basis at Nursing Homes for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities.
3. Who can be admitted to a Nursing Home for the Elderly and Persons with disabilities and what is the procedure for applying?
Nursing Homes for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities accept individuals who wish to stay there, provided that all other efforts for helping them to remain in their own environment have been exhausted (in-home care or care provided by state or private care providers).