Actions implemented



E-inclusion refers to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) aiming at addressing issues of Social and Economic Exclusion of vulnerable population groups who are disadvantaged as regards the possibilities to access these technologies. Furthermore, e-inclusion refers to the new possibilities and new "digital opportunities" that are being shaped for all citizens.

The development of New Technologies creates conditions for greater prosperity and new ways of participating in society.

The provision of high-quality services at local level through the utilisation of New Technologies requires the active involvement of all stakeholders (local authorities, non-governmental organisations, private companies etc.).

National e-inclusion Strategy

The multidimensional nature of the Information Society (IS) is obvious. Consequently, the implementation of a national strategy involves many agencies and services, each one of which has an important role to play, such as for instance the Planning Bureau, the Social Welfare Services, the Department of Information Technology Services, the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Works, the Office of the Commissioner for Electronic Communications and Postal Regulation (CECPR).

By decision of the Council of Ministers (No. 66.008) the Social Welfare Services have undertaken to plan the National Strategy for e-inclusion.

The object of this project is to draw up a Strategic Plan for the entire Public Service as well as the Action Plans of the Ministries of the Republic of Cyprus concerning e-inclusion.

The Social Welfare Services have designated to the company KPMG, through public tenders, the preparation of the Strategic Plan for the whole of the Public Service and the Action Plans on e-inclusion for the Ministries of the Republic of Cyprus. The preparation of the Strategy is expected to be completed in 2010.

i2010 — A European Information Society for Growth and Employment

The European Union, within the general context of attaining the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy, has established the "i2010 Strategy - European Information Society for Growth and Employment", which defines a series of political directions and objectives for the Information Society in the European Union. The new European Union Strategic Framework for the Information Society defines three priority areas (i2010), namely:

    1. completion of the establishment of a Single European Information Area;

    2. strengthening Innovation and stimulating Investments in research for Information and Communication Technologies; and

    3. building a European Information Society for all.

The European Union Strategy for the Information Society seeks to create policies that aim to effectively address traditional as well as new forms of social exclusion, ensuring at the same time that citizens fully participate in and benefit from the Information Society.

Awareness Workshop on good practices, funding and other issues related to e-inclusion in Cyprus, April 6, 2009

In the context of a broader awareness campaign addressed to all stakeholders involved in matters concerning the benefits from utilising New Technologies for promoting e-inclusion, the Social Welfare Services requested the members of the European Commission to hold a workshop targeted at the Ministries or Services involved, Local Self-Government Authorities, Social Partners and Educational Institutions/Research Centres, in order to inform them about good practices, funding and other issues related to e-inclusion.

The workshop was held on April 6, 2009, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at the Miramare Hotel in Limassol under the auspices of the Minister of Labour and Social Insurance Mrs. Sotiroula Charalambous.

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