Co-operations / Committees

Advisory Committee for the Prevention and Combating of Violence in the Family

Advisory Committee for the Prevention and Combating of Violence in the Family

The Advisory Committee for the Prevention and Combating of Violence in the Family was established in 1996, by decision of the Council of Ministers, in accordance with Article 16 of the Violence in the Family (Prevention and Protection of Victims) Law, L.47(I)/1994, which was subsequently replaced by Law 119(I)/2000. The mission of the Advisory Committee for the Prevention and Combating of Violence in the Family is the best possible implementation of the provisions of the Law on Domestic Violence, in cooperation with the competent state and volunteer agencies, aiming at the effective prevention and total elimination of Domestic Violence.

The terms of reference of the Committee in accordance with the relevant legislation are the following:

- keep under surveillance the problem of domestic violence in the family in Cyprus;

- take steps for the information and enlightment of the public and professional people on the issue;

- promote the operation of the services necessary to deal with all aspects of the problem of domestic violence;

- monitor the effectiveness of related services, as well as the application and enforcement of the relevant Legislation.

The Ministries and Services referred to in subsection (2) of the above Article are:

- The Ministry of Health

- The Ministry of Justice and Public Order

- The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth (Educational Psychologist)

- The Social Welfare Services (Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare)

- The Law Office of the Republic

- The Police.

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